De Lavilléon, G., Lacroix, M. M., Rondi-Reig, L., & Benchenane, K. (2015). Explicit
memory creation during sleep demonstrates a causal role of place cells in navigation. Nature
neuroscience, 18(4), 493.
Live, behaving single-unit recording in hippocampus, MFB stimulation
Mouse hippocampus
Stimulation of MFB (reward) during sleep whenever particular hippocampal place
cell fired. Mouse goes directly to place field next day. Demonstration of goal directed memory
“Observation of animals’ trajectories during POST trials of the sleep-pairing protocol
suggested that mice headed directly toward the [place field]….Taken together, these
observations fulfill criteria proposed by Dickinson and Balleine to define a goal-directed strategy
based on explicit knowledge of action–outcome association. This suggests that the pairing
protocol used here during sleep induced the creation of an artificial explicit memory that could
be used by mice in a goal-directed way…”